Notes from New York

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Big Freeze

In an illadvised attempt to save money and get into shape, I have begun walking the two and a half miles to school (and then back again) on a daily basis. My legs do hurt like crazy, but I have seen way more interesting New York type stuff than I usually do, and I will be taking my camera (plus new batteries) some time soon to give you an idea. Right now I would simply like to convey that I walked to school, in 45 minutes, in -9 degrees this afternoon. After class I caught the train downtown to the Bowery for the poetry slam (awesome as ever) and walked home. I have just checked a few sites, and I now understand why I thought I was going to die. The current temperature outside is -12, but with the windchill it is -19 C.

Seriously guys -19. (And thats -2 F for you American weirdos)

I am hardcore, and I wanted you to be aware of this fact. That is all. Oh that, and my short paper on my film adaptation of Jane Eyre was read as an example in class, so maybe I will be a director after all.

Seriously though, - 19.


At 8:48 AM, Blogger sirhair said...

so friggin cold

At 11:15 AM, Blogger ADT said...

Oddly enough I had to do a film adaptation piece on one of my OU courses, but not from Jane Eyre, from Wide Sargasso Sea, its belated prequel (and well worth a read).

At 2:29 PM, Blogger Chantal said...

You want weird coincidences? Not only am I reading Wide Sargasso Sea this very minute (for my intertextuality class no less) but I just got out of my Blake class, in which we discussed the possibility that a line from Blake's poem London was inspired by a line of Shakespeare from Macbeth - "pity, like a new born babe, striding the blast" - which appears on page 164 of WSS. My brain literally nearly exploded and I sat giggling hysterically to myself - just thought I'd share that.


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