Notes from New York

Monday, November 20, 2006

3000 miles from Balham to Brooklyn

Last week was, to put no too fine a point on it, a bit shit. I was ill most of it, with something between food poisoning and an ear infection, which meant I didn't sleep all that much and missed a lot of classes. However, the good news is that I'm all better now and I've had a busy busy weekend. On Friday Rosh, James, Stacey and me went to FAO Schwarz which is a bit like Hamley's but not nearly as big - or in London for that matter. They had a giant cuddly woolly mammoth and lots of ridiculous toys, and I enjoying running around pretending to be about 7, which is a good two years older than I usually act. Half an hour later we were on our way to campus to hear an all female panel talk about the impact of Hip hop, followed by a number of perfomances. The appearance of Immortal Technique was obviously the main attraction, and I'm not sure how many people had realised that there would be a panel speaking first (I certainly hadn't). The panel included a number of pretty important women in the industry, including Kimberly Osorio, previous editor in chief of the Source magazine who recently won a $15.5 million settlement against them after being fired for complaining about sexual harrasment and discrimination. While I don't have more than a vague, pop culture knowledge of hip hop it was still interesting to hear their different views on how women are represented (pretty poorly) and what needs to be done about it. Some of it was great, and I liked that they were talking to a largely male audience and emphasising their responsibility in changing the current situation. However, things changed when issues of race/ethnicity were discussed (I'm going to write an extended post on that issue later). After hearing about the oppresive capitalist white men running the industry (not that I'm necessarily arguing that this is true) my friend Amy asked what she, as a white, middle class journalism major could do going into the media. The response was initially a very Malcolm X style response of we have to do this for ourselves, you can't help. Then, the slightly more positive respons that she could use her position of power to shift the balance of representation in the media. I really struggle with the idea that the fact that I happen to be white means that I can't help with causes that don't necessarily appear to directly effect me (especially as they will inevitably effect me indirectly). This was more infuriating given that the same speaker was happy to encourage guys to help out with problems of discriminating about women. Happily the talk ended on a more positive note, discussing grassroots community groups in which everyone could be involved - fitting as the evening was a celebration of the 5th anniversary of such a local group. The actual performances ranged from a bit iffy (there were a number of students performing) to reasonably good (if you like that kind of thing). It was unfortunate that after such a positive talk about improving female representation that there were a number of guys with a lot of homophobic and mysogynistic lyrics, but there was some more upbeat stuff too. Immortal Technique, we all agreed, was almost frighteningly aggressive in his political messages - which I guess is what's needed to get heard. It was great to hear someone with some actual opinions and ideas, but standing about 3 feet from the edge of the stage was pretty intimidating especially when it looked like his head was about to explode. The evening was rounded off with a nice bit of chinese take out, and though it was certainly an interesting experience I don't know how much hip hop is actually going to make it onto my ipod.

Saturday we ventured out into the boroughs once more, and had a wander around Brooklyn during the day, a very nice Thai dinner, and then went back out to Queens for a house party. There was some drinking and fun was had by all. As a bonus for reading my big o'l rant, you now get to rest your brain and check out some pics. The photos are of Brooklyn and the party, at which there was an inexplicable owl, and a leeeettle turtle. Ah, a great evening it was too.

Riding the subway does weeeeird things to James.

As a great man once said, we're about as street as pavement.

We're like the cutest couple eveeer - watch out Ahmed!

Ohh purdy

New York skyline never gets old. Directly across the East River from dorms.

Mmmm Thai.

So very impressed.

Who are these people? Seriously, where did they all come from?

Aparently a few beers were enough to make me relinquish vegetarianism
and attempt to eat this owl. I think he survived unharmed, despite my best efforts

Evidently Stacey is as confused by the owl eating as me.

Not as confusing as this though. Aparently not only do a few beers make
me a carnivore, but also some kind of weird demonic spirit.
Perhaps not that big a suprise, really.

Sunday saw a wee bit of a hangover, swiftly (yeah right) followed by some serious workage on my part. I hate Sunday nights; I always have a paper which often results in me missing the comedy club, booo. Roll on Thanksgiving - I get most of the week off, woo!


At 11:20 AM, Blogger sirhair said...

hey hey!
I had already known about the weirdness, but really, owl meat? that's

(and when did you post this? weren't you working on this last night?)


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